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Lipoma Removal
Lipomas are adipose tumours that are often located in the subcutaneous tissues of the head, neck, shoulders, and back. Lipomas have been identified in all age groups but usually, first appear between 40 and 60 years of age. These slow-growing, nearly always benign, tumours usually present as non-painful, round, mobile masses with a characteristic soft, doughy feel.
Rarely, lipomas can be associated with syndromes such as hereditary multiple lipomatosis, adiposis dolorosa, Gardner’s syndrome, and Madelung’s disease. There are also variants such as angiolipomas, neomorphic lipomas, spindle cell lipomas, and adenolipomas. Most lipomas are best left alone, but rapidly growing or painful lipomas can be treated with a variety of procedures ranging from steroid injections to excision of the tumour. Lipomas must be distinguished from liposarcoma, which can have a similar appearance.
- The procedure
- Risk & Complications
- Recovery
You may wish to remove your lipoma if it is large and uncomfortable, or if it is located in an obvious area and affecting your self-confidence.
Surgical Removal
Our surgical removal method is known as Minimal Excision Extraction. The lipoma is removed by making a small incision in the skin over the lump. The lipoma is then carefully cut away and the wound is closed with stitches. This procedure is performed using a local anaesthetic to numb the area.
This treatment uses a suction method to remove the fatty lump. A small incision is made to allow the growth to be curetted from beneath the skin. This procedure can be used to remove several lipomas through one opening.
Common side effects can include bruising, swelling and numbness which will usually subside as the area begins to heal.
There are more uncommon complications associated with surgery such as infection, haematoma, delayed healing and thick scarring.
After surgery, you will have dressings to protect the incisions and Dr. med. Strouthou may write a prescription to help control any pain or discomfort you experience during your recovery, if it is necessary. Despite some initial swelling, most patients return to work and other daily activities the day after the surgery. The appearance of the scars will continue to improve over time.