Lipofilling (Fat transfer to the breasts)

For women, Liposuction with Fat Transfer to the breasts is typically performed on the patient who doesn’t have any sagging but does have a lack of volume at the top of the breast. It is also required that the patient has areas of fat elsewhere on their body for Liposuction and transfer of fat to the breasts. First, Liposuction is performed. The harvested fat is filtered and then injected into the breast. Men also have this procedure done to enhance the look of their pectoralis or chest muscles.

Performing a Breast Augmentation just by the technique of Lipofilling is possible under certain conditions:

  • You need to have sufficient fat depots somewhere else on the body (hips, thighs, abdomen, love handles).
  • The breast skin needs a certain laxity: this occurs mostly after pregnancy or weight changes.

Disadvantages of this technique include:

  • “Limited” volume augmentation: the amount of enlargement one can achieve in one session is less than one cup size. Multiple surgical sessions are possible with an interval of 3 months and can achieve larger volume augmentations.
  • At every procedure there is a resorption of fat up to 60-80%.

During this procedure, Liposuction is performed as any problem areas, most commonly taken from the abdomen, flanks, arms, and inner thighs. The harvested fat is then transferred to the breast to further enhance the breast shape.

This procedure has been studied well and is considered safe. Normal breast exams and mammography is recommended before and after this procedure.

Fat Transfer is a low-risk procedure however as with any surgical procedures there are associated risks which should be considered prior to surgery.

Common side effects can include bruising, swelling and numbness which will usually subside as the area(s) begin to heal. Patients can complain of skin irritation from the incision site and unevenness which should reduce in the short term.

There are more uncommon complications associated with Fat Transfer such as infection, haematoma, delayed healing, skin necrosis and seroma. In rare cases, patients can experience rippling of the skin which may require further correctional treatment. General anaesthesia carries its own risks, for example, cardiac/respiratory issues and DVT.

Once the healing process is complete it is important to maintain a healthy weight through a stable diet and exercise plan following surgery to maintain the results. It is important to be aware that whilst most of the fat cells will remain, some may resorb and it may be necessary to have further Fat Transfer surgery in the future.

After surgery, you should expect swelling, bruising and some degree of discomfort. A compression garment may be required in the weeks following surgery to help control swelling and prevent fluid accumulation. Most women return to work and daily activities within a few days. More strenuous activities and exercise should be avoided for at least 4 to 6 weeks after your procedure.